RINs pricing and economics

Fuel economics – Why do Renewable Identification Number (RIN) costs pass through to fuel price?

A 9-year, multi-billion dollar legal dispute between EPA and refiners is rooted in disagreements about fuel economics. One of the ...
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Refiners rebuffed again on RIN price passthrough part 3 – does this wipe out 1/3 of small refiners’ value?

In Thursday's denial of 36 petitions for small refinery exemptions to their Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) obligations for the 2018 ...
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Refiners rebuffed again on RIN price pass-through – part 2

Yesterday, EPA denied 36 petitions from refiners seeking small refinery exemptions (SRE) to their Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) obligations for ...
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Capturing RIN trading profits by theoretical price modeling

On December 14, 2021, Hoekstra Trading notified our clients of a RIN credit spread trading opportunity which is indicated by ...
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Accurate modeling of RIN prices

The Hoekstra IMS RIN price spreadsheet model accurately tracked the D4 RIN price during 2021. The green data points are ...
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Anatomy of the IMS RINs pricing model

Anatomy, [ə'nadəme] noun - a study of the structure or internal workings of something The Irwin McCormack Stock (IMS) RINs ...
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Time to regroup on RINs

The refining industry has little to show for its investment in the 8-year battle to get relief on RIN costs. ...
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This week’s OPIS conference and the biofuels contradiction

Any engineer attending a biofuels conference will notice an atmosphere filled with lawyers, accountants, lobbyists, and RINs traders. It is ...
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Refiners rebuffed again on RIN price pass-through

In an eight-year battle over Renewable Identification Numbers (RINS), refiners have failed to get much relief from their RIN obligations. ...
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A billion dollar question: do refiners recapture RINs expense?

There is much confusion in the refining industry on whether and how $billions/year of Renewable Identification Number (RIN) expenses are ...
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