RINs pricing and economics

Renewable Diesel In The News – Part 4, Critique Of The C-Suites

This is Part 4 of a four-part series reviewing my notes from a December 15, 2023 presentation made by Scott ...
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Renewable Diesel In The News – Part 3, A Renewable Wreckoning?

This is Part 3 of a 4-part series reviewing my notes from a December 15, 2023 presentation made by Scott ...
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Renewable Diesel In The News – Part 2, What The Investment Bankers Missed

This is Part 2 of a four-part series reviewing my notes from a December 15, 2023 presentation made by Scott ...
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Hoekstra Trading Announces Hoekstra – Bloomberg Licensing Agreement

Hoekstra Trading is pleased to announce it has entered a data acquisition agreement with Bloomberg Finance LP that grants Bloomberg ...
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Renewable Diesel In The News – Part 1, Two Ways To Skin A Fat

Last week, Scott Irwin, Professor and Laurence J Norton Chair of Agricultural Marketing at University of Illinois, presented "The RFS, ...
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RIN Price Nosedive Part 5 – Dissecting The 2023 RIN Price Nosedive

The ATTRACTOR RIN price model is a spreadsheet that calculates the theoretical value of the D4 Renewable Identification Number (RIN) ...
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Hoekstra Trading LLC

RIN Price Nosedive Part 4 – A Nosedive Is One Thing, A Cliff Is Another

In theory, a higher price for a commodity will attract new suppliers into the market who would not be profitable ...
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RIN Price Nosedive Part 3 – It WAS Foreseen, It’s Cause Was COMPETITION, And It WILL Continue

From January 2023, Hoekstra Trading clients were analyzing and acting on the growing gap between the D4 RIN theoretical value ...
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SREs = Sustainable Revenues for Expensive lawyers

Will it ever end? What's the effect on RIN prices? What's the cost? The acronym SRE is something you will ...
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Attractor – A RIN Price Model That Accurately Calculates RIN Prices

Hoekstra Trading's Attractor RIN price model is a spreadsheet that calculates the theoretical value of the D4 Renewable Identification Number ...
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